Purpose this site and my perfume journey

Perfume Geek K

As I believe many of you are visiting this site for the first time, let me introduce myself briefly.

I am a perfume enthusiast currently living in Bangkok, Thailand, with a particular love for niche fragrances. I have always enjoyed seeking out things that are not available in Japan, and this passion extends to perfumes as well. Using various methods, I search for perfumes from around the world. Although I have loved perfumes since I was young, I truly fell into the world of niche fragrances during the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, I purchased over 160 bottles of perfume in one year, spending most of my salary on them. Nowadays, I attend perfume exhibitions and work to spread the charm of niche fragrances to many people in Japan.



For those who love perfumes, there are likely many who have been collecting fragrances for a long time. Here’s a brief history of my own perfume collection.

a first-year middle school student
Own my first Parfum (CHANEL’s Allure(Parfum)on this picture)

I asked my father to buy me a souvenir from his business trip to London, but since he knows nothing about perfumes, he ended up buying the most expensive parfum.

From middle school to adulthood
When I travel abroad, I always make sure to buy perfume from that country. I am particular about my signature scent.

Since I have always liked Europe, I always buy a few bottles of perfume at the airport Duty-Free Shop. I usually go for designer perfumes, and my signature scents are Chance, Miss Dior, Sì, and La Cautiva, among others.

Around my eighth year as a working professional
Discovering Louis Vuitton’s Attrape-Rêves

While traveling in Cape Town (South Africa), I encountered Attrape-Rêves and was blown away by its scent, but the price was too high for me to afford. (I eventually bought it as a reward for myself when I changed jobs.)

During the COVID-19 pandemic
I was deeply moved when I visited Salon de Parfum at Isetan Shinjuku for the first time.

I originally liked Isetan Shinjuku, but I didn’t visit the first floor often, so I didn’t know about Salon de Parfum. When I went there for the first time and was impressed by the variety of niche fragrances, it has stayed with me ever since.

As you might gather from the above, my journey into the world of perfumes has only been about two years, relatively short. However, I have confidently spared no expense or effort in indulging in this passion.


I became captivated by niche fragrances at Salon de Parfum in Isetan and purchased some at Nose Shop as well. However, the prices are so high that I think “perfume” should be renamed “expensive water.” While I understand the high prices at Isetan due to their excellent service and strong brand power, I was dissatisfied with the latter store. The quality of service was poor (hit-or-miss staff, no samples even when buying a bottle), and their handling of perfume brands was terrible, which I didn’t like (apologies to fans of that store).

It’s clear that perfumes are cheaper in Europe, the heart of the perfume world, so I tried searching for ways to import them personally. I discovered that European perfume shops, which sell authentic products, offer them at European prices. Moreover, the variety of perfume brands is vastly different compared to Japan.

I believe that perfume is a way to express one’s individuality. Of course, some people might not like perfumes, and it’s important to observe proper etiquette. I’ve heard from brands that the Japanese perfume market doesn’t seem attractive (due to regulations, distance, and the small number of perfume enthusiasts), but I think awareness of niche fragrances is definitely growing in Japan.

I want more people in Japan to discover the charm of niche fragrances and help them make “smart” purchases (buying authentic products at lower prices and choosing what they truly like regardless of trends). That’s why I created this website.




